The strength of Intheair primarily lies in the collective intelligence of a team of 18 Airgonauts , who are multidisciplinary, young, and dynamic.
Ready to tackle all the challenges of your projects, identify your needs, and achieve your goals.
Customer Relationship Experts
Equipped with expertise in dedicated software suites and algorithms, we are able to deliver centimeter-level precision results.
Surveying Engineers & Data Analysts
Equipped with state-of-the-art technologies, including drones and sensors.
Data Capture Specialists
With expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning, we explore and maximize the potential of your data.
Innovation Experts
Breakthrough innovation is at the heart of our DNA

We are revolutionizing the visualization of deliverables and developing the first dynamic consultation platform SaaS for geolocated data, while producing reliable predictions and actionable recommendations, thanks to AI algorithms designed and developed by our engineering teams.

Our vision
A Message from Our CEO

"Intheair is the first startup dedicated to aerial imaging, offering 100% GreenTech services.

Putting our technology at the service of Sustainable Development is our core mission, allowing us to develop unprecedented partnerships with environmental sectors, both private and public.

Tomorrow, our innovative service platform and our R&D efforts will enable us to go even further in supporting our partners and collectively addressing the environmental challenges of our time."

Olivier Apicella,
CEO @ Intheair
